We strive to create an environment and pathways for the youth of Utah to be able to reach their individual potential as athletes, students, and contributing members of the greater community through winter sports participation

Our Devo Team offers a comprehensive introduction to mountain skiing and alpine ski racing with an emphasis on establishing fundamental skills necessary to move on to Freeride and/or Alpine teams.  This 12-week full-day program (and 1/2 day for ages 5-6) emphasizes safety, skills development, team building and fun exploring and learning the mountain!

Our new All Mountain Rippers Program is an introductory competitive team for ages 8-10.  It has both an alpine and freeride focus, while continuing to elevate the fundamental skills necessary for whatever competitive path the athlete might choose moving forward. 

Our race programs are categorized by series.  From mastering fundamental skiing techniques to tackling more complex racing skills, our programs are designed to provide a progressive and challenging learning experience while developing a competitive spirit.

The Freeride program is for athletes looking for a structured program that is geared towards exploring Snowbasin’s world-class alpine playground.   This is a high-energy, creative and fun way for young skiers to ski together and mix it up on the mountain. Local, regional & national comps are available.