
SSEF Financial Need Based Scholarship

First Round: Application deadline June 11, 2024. Awards disbursed by July 12, 2024.

Second Round: Application deadline July 9, 2024. Awards disbursed by August 16, 2024.

The Snowbasin Sports Education Foundation (SSEF) mission states that we strive to create an environment and pathways for the youth of Utah to be able to reach their individual potential as athletes, students, and contributing members of the greater community through winter sports participation. SSEF & our generous annual private donors understand the financial burdens associated with these programs and strives to provide need-based financial assistance as available. Families who feel they need financial assistance are encouraged to apply for SSEF financial assistance as well for other support or scholarships potentially available from outside sources.

Complete applications for financial aid (including requisite supporting materials) should be submitted to by the deadlines noted above. Individuals may only apply once in a seasonal year. Timely applications are required in order to ensure participation in the entire seasonal year July 1 – June 30th. Because awards are evaluated annually, a renewal application must be filed each year. Financial aid may be provided as a partial waiver of tuition, up to 50%. Each athlete is expected to provide some financial support towards the end goal of participation by paying the required $500 deposit prior to receiving financial assistance. Participation in volunteer activities is expected to meet team work deposit credit.

Butch Hoffman 2023 Dryland Scholarship

Thanks to the Butch Hoffman Scholarship Fund athletes get to participate in ice skating/dryland training free of charge! Thank you to Coach Scotty and all of the individual donors that make our scholarship opportunities happen!

Dryland training is twice weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays. Ice-skating is once weekly on Sundays. Early season training starts in September will continue until Thanksgiving. Our focus is on building strength, endurance, and mobility through plyometrics, ladder drills, hill climbs, body weight exercises, and other fun drills. Skiing is all about legs and core, so we are paying special attention to building and stabilizing these muscles. Dryland training is important to build strength, stamina, and power, but is also so essential for injury prevention once we begin training on snow.

Merit Based Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded those that excel within their discipline to help pay for expenses for national events.

2022-2023 Merit Based Recipient – Anzley Dibble WR14

2021-2022 Merit Based Recipient- Ella Dressen

Butch Hoffman Spirit & Team Values Scholarship

Devo Application deadline – March 4, 2025. Awarded March 22, 2025.

Freeride Application deadline - March 19, 2025. Awarded March 29, 2025.

Alpine Application deadline - April 4, 2025. Awarded April 24, 2025.

The Snowbasin Sports Education Foundation is awarding up to ten $250 Value & Character Scholarships! These scholarships will support athletes who love skiing, who are fantastic teammates, and who demonstrate the values important to the Snowbasin Ski Team. Applicants MUST be a current member of the Snowbasin Ski Team to apply.

This scholarship is lovingly named after Butch Hoffman – a long time ski racer & supporter of all things Alpine Racing. His generational support extends through this scholarship award & his son, our very own “Coach Scotty” Hoffman.

We are looking for athletes who work hard both on and off the hill.

  • Athletes who balance being a student and an athlete. (Min GPA requirement is 3.0 or Teacher Letter of Recommendation showing an athlete in good academic standing for their grade.)

  • Athlete who exemplify the Snowbasin Team Values

    • Relationships: Connection, behaving and interacting positively with others.

    • Commitment: Dedicating time and energy to self-improvement.

    • Integrity: Doing right by others for the right reasons, even when no one is watching.

    • Performance: Achieving goals with excellence and accountability.

    • Team Pride: Finding joy in the present, celebrating the past and planning for the future.

    • Growth Mindset: Nurturing resilience and persistence.

Scholarship Recipients will receive: $250; Athletes can use this as a credit to cover next season’s tuition.

How to Apply:

  • Create one 60 second video highlighting your love for skiing and your commitment to being a successful student athlete and teammate by upholding the Snowbasin Ski Team Values – Be creative and have fun!

  • Provide proof of min GPA requirement of 3.0 or equivalent academic progress

  • Provide coach letter of recommendation (Make sure to give your coach plenty of time to write a thoughtful letter.)

  • Send the link to your video, academic information, and letter of recommendation in ONE email to (Suggested video platform is to post a you tube and share that link.)

  • ALL SSEF Snowbasin Ski Team athletes should apply – Devo, Alpine and Freeride!

2023-2024 Butch Hoffman Scholarship Recipients

Alpine: Amelia A, Kier T and Ariana M

Freeride: Daisy M and Ian H

Devo: Brooklyn W and Levi A